I'm going to put this out to every one for comment. I have a Cisco firewall config that I want to ignore lines in the following lines:
: Saved
: Written by enable_1 at 16:19:13.677 EST Mon Apr 22 2013
ASA Version 8.2(5)13
terminal width 511
The lines in red are the ones I want to filter. So the regex script I've written is as follows:
: Written.*\n(.*\n)*.*![ \t\r\n\f\v]
This basically says to ignore any line with : space Written and then any line after that with ! cr and lf. It doesn't work in NCM but does work in every external regex interpreter I've found. I've even tried breaking it up and making on criteria :spaceWritten and another criteria as ![ \t\v\n\f\r] and still no good. The only criteria that works is the following:
The problem with this is that the second one, ^! also filters out the lines in router configs containing what login made the change which as we all know is just as important as the fact that a change was made. Got to find the guilty party. So my contention with Solarwinds support is that the regex interpreter in NCM has a problem and I base this on the fact that I can run the first script on any other regex interpreter and it works. The feedback I get from Solarwinds support is that they don't support scripting and this is a development issue. Just in case anyone from Solarwinds is reading this my case # is Case #469100