I use the temp from an other post here in this Forum for a repeat command in Loop form.
Here you are the script:
This NCM Configuration Change Template will set a boot variable command to all applicable devices.
Cisco, IOS, 3750
This runs on IOS devices.
Device IP address
Cisco IOS Image angeben das als Bootvariable gesetzt werden soll. Bsp: c2960s-universalk9-mz.150-2.SE6.bin
IP address (Muster) Bsp:
IP Range angeben der eingefuegt werden soll (Bsp: 1,2,3,4)
script RELOAD_IOS (
NCM.Nodes @ContextNode,
string @ipaddress, int[] @indexes
string @ipnew
foreach(@id in @indexes)
@ipnew = setoctet(@ipaddress,3,@id)
Allow @ipnew out
Allow @ipnew UDP 2055 OUT
The Output of this Looks like this:
Allow out
Allow UDP 2055 OUT
Allow out
Allow UDP 2055 OUT
Allow out
Allow UDP 2055 OUT
Allow out
Allow UDP 2055 OUT
This is ok for now. But I often have a Situation to repeat this for 70-90 devices. I dont want to enter the form like "1,2,3,4,...,70" in this used integer variable. I better would use 1-50 for example.
If I enter in this form I get an error that I have to give it in 1,2,3... form.
I know, theres no Chance to use a normal programmer language for this scripts, but how can I fill the integer arrow?
I think about a for while Loop like foreach (for @id <= @STARTIP; id<=@ENDIP; @id++) (this is just my Impression, not the complete code)
Sure I read the doku, but I only found the foreach variable for me.
Thanks for Response.