I actually have some Trouble with my compliance checks for some lines for my line Interfaces.
Is there any difference between the manual check in form that I paste a config block in the testwindow and the check for a normal downloaded config?
I use some check lines for my line Interfaces in this form:
line con 0\n(.*\n)*.* exec-timeout 5 0\n(.*\n)*(line|!)
I would check if there is a exact line under "line con 0" .
I use some further checks in like this in this compliance rule. This is just for an example.
If I run a test with a pasted config, I got the correct result. In case of test with a downloaded config from Solarwinds I get an error with "no found sting" . - I checked the downloaded config. The string is there.
Do anyone of you have a idea? - Is this a bug or a feature? :-)
Greetz Otto