Been playing quite a bit with Policy Compliance and remediation scripts and one thing I've noticed is that after the script is run on a node, RTCD is very slow at processing the nodes for updating.
The last lines in my remediation script are "write mem", so I can see it triggering RTCD in the Trap Viewer on the server. I have the # of nodes to process simultaneously to 30, so the uploading of the remediations scripts goes pretty quickly. All of this happens pretty quickly, it can go through several hundred nodes pretty fast. However, even though the nodes configurations are updated quickly, and the Trap Viewer is telling me that its processing the RTCD rule (I also have it colorize the trap viewer line so I can see it) very quickly, it then takes forever to download the changed configurations.
From the "NCM Events", where I have it tell me when RTCD has downloaded a config, it tells me its doing 5-6 per minute. At first I was thinking that it was going slow because all the 30 simultaneous processes I have allotted are going to processing the remediation scripts, but long after the remediations script is done its still processing the downloading of the new configs at 5-6 per minute.
If I just tell it to download configurations it also goes quickly...
Wondering if anyone else is experiencing this? I like to double-check that the remediation scripts ran ok by updating the Compliance reports and seeing what it says, but right now I have to wait quite a long time for it to finish downloading the configs before I can do this.
Wishlist for Solarwinds Folks: When RTCD is downloading a config, I'd like to see it in my "Transfer Status" under "Configuration Management". If its not processing the RTCD downloads as part of this queue and has its own queue and pacing (ie: 1 at a time for 5-6 total per minute or something) I'd like to see it become part of this queue. Maybe allow the us to designate "30 total jobs, allocate X to RTCD when busy doing other things" or something like that. That way when the server isn't busy, RTCD could use the entire 30 slots, but if it was busy doing something else, RTCD could still be guaranteed some slots...