NCM: 7.3.2 / NPM 11.0.1
The NCM business layer appears to build free text indexes (C:\ProgramData\Solarwinds\Cirrus\Lucene) of the configuration files if it thinks they are out of sync.
If you have very large configuration files this can cause lock timeouts on the nodes tables while this is happening, leading to unusual timeouts and general UI weirdness.
(@configId uniqueidentifier)SELECT Config, DownloadTime, ConfigType, NCM_Nodes.CoreNodeID FROM NCM_ConfigArchive
INNER JOIN NCM_Nodes ON NCM_ConfigArchive.NodeID = NCM_Nodes.NodeID WHERE ConfigID=@configId
(NCM_Nodes is a view that includes the Nodes tables; joining with NCM_NodeProperties instead would prevent the deadlocking)
I think this is one of the side effects of merging the NCM/NPM into one database.
(reported to Solarwinds support)