These commands are for Cisco IOS (minimum of 12.3 train) and are more advanced than what is in the NCM Admin Guide. This enables the device to log any commands given while in config mode but it only generates a syslog after someone has made a change and left or closed their session (the logging discriminator is what does the filtering):
configure terminal
log config
logging enable
logging size entries
notify syslog
login on-failure log every 1
login on-success log every 1
logging discriminator LOGTHIS msg-body includes ^Configured|(Login Suc)|(Login failure)
logging host x.x.x.x discriminator LOGTHIS
! Change “XXX’s” to the IP of SolarWinds server
As superfly99 said you should check your syslog viewer for what messages you are receiving. It is likely just a syntax adjustment that needs to be made.