hi everyone i have solarwinds for monitor my network and i have large number of Mikrotik devices
in NCM (network configuration management) I'm get this error for large of mikrotik devices :
[code]Cannot Log into Device : bad password. Device IP:[/code]
my "ncm" user is set on CiscoACS and access able on every device , when i try to login to that device ""
i logged in without any problem but i see this on mikrotiks log :
[code] system,error,critical login failure for user from [/code]
when i use solarwinds auto check login i see that, some times login will be something like this :
[code]user :
password : ncm_backupuser
it seems that when mikrotik need username, solarwinds enter nothing , and when it should enter password it enter username,
and 2 line after that it enter password,
because of that i get this error :
[code] system,error,critical login failure for user from [/code]
as you see mikrotik get null or empty on username field , but when i manually want that to login to this after 1 or 2 times it will be ok
and there is no error about that and until two or three days i will not get any error from this mikrotik device
now whit this data please help me to solve this error