I am looking to "develop" a way to do the following:
- In a window/widget on the Orion webpage
- User selects group of devices (predefined group) then start - gets warning and must click yes to continue
- If yes then
- send email
- kick off a series of config scripts across multiple devices (with the option to select "group" of devices)
- send email that this is complete
- track who clicked button
An opposite version of this as well - maybe a toggle
How can I do this? I have looked into jobs but they seem to be locked to a specific device and script
Can I write a .NET "plugin" to Orion for this functionality using the Orion API/SDK?
I would like to use Orion to pull the device information, track user and have NCM handle the storing scripts and pushing scripts
We need this to mimic the behavior we had in a previous product.