"^.?*set admintimout 480"?
Trying to interpret your regex and its failing me a bit.
^ - anchors it to the beginning of the line.
. - matches >any< character
? - makes the preceding token optional, in this case '.'
* - matches 0 or more of the previous character, in this case the '?' that makes the preceding token optional? That doesn't make sense.
This doesn't make sense to me, and I ran it through a regex syntax checker and it failed. You want to match any number of white space characters in your expression before the "set"... I'd pretty much expect it to fail at this point...
However, mine makes perfect sense and already works just fine, not sure why I'd want to change it... "^\s*set admintimeout 480"
^ - anchor it to the beginning of the line
\s - match any white space character
* - match 0 or more of the previous character (ie: white space).
Maybe you were mis-reading my response and thinking that the regex didn't work?