Just adding my 2c.
Using Multiple Context ASA, but I wanted to get the equivalent on "more system:xxxx".
The more commands is ONLY supported in the system context, so obviously changing to each individual context and running the command doesnt work.
Below is the solution I found that works for me...
It's not perfect, as it only really pulls the startup configs that are saved to the flash but it allows us to backup the system context and all respective passwords etc.
Thought I would share as I'm sure others would have a similar issue.
<!--SolarWinds Network Management Tools-->
<!--Copyright 2007 SolarWinds.Net All rights reserved-->
<!--Custom Collections for Multiple Context ASA and Specialist Configurations-->
<Configuration-Management Device="Cisco ASA Multi Context" SystemOID="">
<Command Name="MenuBased" Value="false"/>
<Command Name="System" Value="more system:running-config"/>
<Command Name="Context-1" Value="more disk0:/context1.cfg"/>
<Command Name="Context-2" Value="more disk0:/context2.cfg"/>
<Command Name="Context-X" Value="more disk0:/contextX.cfg"/>
<Command Name="RESET" Value="terminal pager 0${CRLF}changeto context system${CRLF}" RegEx="#"/>
<Command Name="Reboot" Value="reload noconfirm"/>
<Command Name="EnterConfigMode" Value="config terminal"/>
<Command Name="ExitConfigMode" Value="quit"/>
<Command Name="Startup" Value="show startup"/>
<Command Name="Running" Value="show running"/>
<Command Name="DownloadConfig" Value="${ConfigType}"/>
<Command Name="UploadConfig" Value="${EnterConfigMode}${CRLF}${ConfigText}${CRLF}${ExitConfigMode}"/>
<Command Name="DownloadConfigIndirect" Value="write net ${StorageAddress}:/${StorageFilename}"/>
<Command Name="UploadConfigIndirect"/>
<Command Name="EraseConfig" Value="write erase${CRLF}Yes"/>
<Command Name="SaveConfig" Value="write memory all${CRLF}Yes"/>
<Command Name="Version" Value="show version"/>