Good Afternoon,
I talked my company into purchasing Solar Winds NPM and NTA back in March of 2014. So I am still a newbie but, this application has helped us out so much in the past two years. With in a month of having NTA one of our users got a virus and was spamming out emails outside our network. I was able to use NTA to drill down to the snmp protocal and find the system that was spamming out these emails. That was great time for that to happen as It would have taking a lot longer to figure out which one out of 90 nodes was causing this problem without Solar Winds.
First thing I do every morning is login in NPM and look around for 45 mins or so every morning. I have found, dead hard drives, dead power supplies, and even dead raid controller battery two weeks ago in our web server. I know it seems that a lot of IT departments have lower personnel now days. So I believe this saves me days out of a work year, its amazing at all the information you can get from one application. I love it, keep up the good work you guys rock!!!