Install NCM windows client on separate pc
Dear All, Is it possible to install the NCM windows application client on a separate PC? If yes where can one find the installer
View ArticleNCM Won't Activate
Hello Community I have configured NCM to ping an ip address when a trigger is activated and show the results in an email, see screen shots. However, the results of the ping aren't shown in the email....
View ArticleRe: Install NCM windows client on separate pc
No, the windows app has to be installed on the same server running NCM. There isn't a separate installer just for the windows app. You should still be able to do anything you need within the web...
View ArticleIs there a definative list of devices that is supported by NCM?
I would like to my Xsigo switches into the configuration capture but not sure the best way to do this.
View ArticleHow do I upload a config from Extreme Summit switches?
No matter what I try, I am unable to upload configs from my Extreme Summit switches, in NCM. I have verified that Solarwinds can connect to the switch, the device login is working, and I even tested...
View ArticleJust a thought, what about compliance remediation being able to perform other...
I was just thinking today about how it would be nice if I could set up a compliance report on whether or not routers that were configured a certain way had a specific UnDP assigned to them based on...
View Articledownload keeps saying in progress
I attempted to download a Startup config to a couple of our sites and NCM says they are still in progress after a couple days. How do I stop this so I can try again?
View ArticleHelp creating policy rule to match banner in Cisco config
I am having trouble writing a rule that will match the text in a login banner for Cisco devices. I have tried both the string search and regex but have not had any luck. This is the banner section of...
View ArticleRe: few questions about Orion platform without NPM?
Hi thanks for answer. Now I feel having better view of whole stuff - I will install all on the same database but without VMan integration because no NPM and SAM is included. BR/Jaroslaw
View ArticleNCM Inventory Reports - Dell Force10 Transcievers
We are trying to obtain all serial numbers of everything deployed, however we are not getting the serials of our transceivers.I've done some research and it appears the OIDs are not part of the...
View ArticleRe: how to ignore modem speed in config comparison
I've let this run a few days but I'm still having trouble with this pattern. I made a small change to it by adding the * after all the speed entries and added speeds but the lines still get flagged....
View ArticleRe: how to ignore modem speed in config comparison
Hi Campy, Have you downloaded a new config after you changed the criteria? The change in the comparison criteria only affects newly downloaded configs. Regards,Jiri
View ArticleRe: how to ignore modem speed in config comparison
Hi Jiri,yes, new configs are downloaded nightly.
View ArticleOrion User Account Limitations are not supported in NCM Jobs
hello,when I create a new job,"Choose nodes" page,prompt "warning:Orion User Account Limitations are not supported in NCM Jobs." I continue the job, enable the job,start the job ,but the job nerver...
View ArticleRe: how to ignore modem speed in config comparison
Hi Campy, in case the char between speed and XXXX is not a blank you can try one of these instead:[ \t\r\n\v\f]*speed[ \t\r\n\v\f]*(1200|57600)[ \t\r\n\v\f]*^[ \t\r\n\v\f]*speed[...
View ArticleRe: Apply NCM Comparison Criteria to only specific devices
The comparison criteria is a global setting. There is currently no way to have specific ignore criteria only apply to specific devices. Perhaps if you can post some examples of the changing lines in...
View ArticleRe: Apply NCM Comparison Criteria to only specific devices
The lines in question begin with the word "key" and are followed by a long random string that is the encrypted key. As I said, I believe other devices could have lines beginning with key, and I would...
View ArticleRe: Apply NCM Comparison Criteria to only specific devices
That makes it more difficult to match. But if these devices have a specific number of characters (or a specific character subset, like hex) that might make it a bit easier to create a specific regex...
View ArticleRe: Support for LLDP (future proofing L2 Discovery)
Hi Christine,How's this looking? it seems to be creeping up on posts from earlier this year, and I've opened a support ticket for NTM and ruggedcom switches. Thanks!
View ArticleHow to Backup an F5 load balancer using NCM?
Is it also possible to take a backup through SNMP only.
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