Re: Changing Juniper root authentication passwords and SNMP
Jiri, My apologies for not answering sooner. This issue was corrected. It was the way I entered the initial command. set system root-authenticaion plain-text-password. I had that entered in...
View ArticleRe: Changing Juniper root authentication passwords and SNMP
Thanks for the info, good to know. Jiri
View ArticleSwitch Reloads not working
I have spent the better part of a few hours trying to figure out this issue. We recently upgraded to NPM 11.0.1 / NCM 7.3.2. I found a couple similar issues for 7.3 RC, but no responses to the threads....
View ArticleReport for discovering nodes that do not have a downloaded config
Hi, I discovered that our baseline job wasn't running. I kicked it off and it warned me that two nodes did not have any configs downloaded. Is there an easy way to find this information? We have...
View ArticleNCM install on existing multi poller NPM.. what the + -
Hi We plan to deploy NCM the first time on existing setup that has NPM +2 pollers.Core NPM 11.1Plan to install 7.3.2 or 7.4 The qustion are:Can I just install NCM on the primery and run operation on...
View ArticleRe: Best Practice for 100% Backup Coverage?
I have config downloads going to my servers filesystem (in addition to database). I have a Windows batch file that runs daily to dig through the filesystem looking for *.Running-Config to create a...
View ArticleRe: Best Practice for 100% Backup Coverage?
So, FWIW, here's the solution I came up with:1) I've added custom properties "BackupRunning" and "BackupStartup" to all nodes, and made them required fields.2) I set the nightly backup jobs to backup...
View ArticleRe: How to Backup an F5 load balancer using NCM?
Thanks for the information JIRI, also I need your help to backup my f5 device as I am not understanding the correct way and steps to do it. My device s:- F5 bigip v version 10.2 Help will be really...
View ArticleRe: Nexus 6248 device templates
I am having the exact same problem. Did you ever find a fix?
View ArticleRe: 0x80040217 The server response was not available
I was getting the same thing. I found that if you go in to edit the job you have to sometimes blank out all of the e-mail SMTP server information (passwords, server name, logon name....) and then...
View ArticleRe: NCM Cisco VG204 and VG 224
Do they have a command line interface (even if menu-driven)? Jiri
View ArticleRe: 0x80040217 The server response was not available
Hi, Please log a support ticket. It might be a bug. Regards,Jiri
View ArticleRe: NCM Cisco VG204 and VG 224
Then it should be possible to make NCM back up the config. Try it and if it doesn't work out of the box, you'll have to modify the device template. We can help you with that. Jiri
View ArticleRe: NCM Cisco VG204 and VG 224
Thanks Jiri. I will give it a shot and if I have an issue I will let you know Mike
View ArticleLooking for a UDT / NCM combined report / config change template
Hi! I'm looking for a UDT report that lists all used ports in a specific switch, takes the config of all those ports through NCM and reconfigures them on free ports on two other switches. This so that...
View ArticleChanging the hostnames on all switches on network with NCM
Hi Guys (and Gals), Due to a recent change in our network we need to rename all of our cisco switches with a new naming convention. Our current convention goes like...
View ArticleRe: NCM Cisco VG204 and VG 224
John Handberg, Could you perhaps share the device template(s) you use, if any modifications were required?The best place would be here: Network Configuration Manager. Regards,Jiri
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