I need to find what devices are running "ip http secure-server" on my network. To do so I have tried to create a policy report within this report is a policy I created containing a rule which searches for the line of config "ip http secure-server" however it keeps on pulling up devices with the line "no ip http secure-server" configured on them. I tried to create a regex which will look to match the line "ip http secure-server" exactly. Here is the 2 different types of regex string's I tried to use....
(1) ^ip http secure-server$
(2) /^ip http secure-server$/
Neither of which seem to be pulling up nodes with "ip http secure-server" configured on them? See screen shot below
Any ideas? Am I implementing the regex correctly? Have had a good look around and I know this is not a particularly complex regex so I think there must be something I am doing wrong in creating the rule??
Thanks in advance